Physical Design Flow

Physical Design Inputs

  • Netlist (.v /.vhd)
    • It contains Cell name and drive strength.
    • Macros
    • Standard cells ports
    • Interconnection details
  • Timing Libraries (.lib/.db)
    • Logical view of the cells (std cell lib
  • Library Exchange Format (LEF)
  • Technology files (.tf/.tech.lef)
  • Constrains
    • Timing constraints like Clock Definition, Timing Exceptions (False Paths, Asynchronous paths)
    • Delay Constraints like Latency, Input Delay, Input Transition, output Load and Output Transition.
    • Power and Area constraints
    • Design Rule constrains like Max Fanout, Max cap, max Transition
    • Clock Uncertainty.
    • Operating Conditions
  • Power Specification Files
    • Power Domains or ON/OFF regions
    • PG nets
  • Clock Tree Constrains
    • Clock Def point.
    • Insertion delay
    • Skew Target
    • Man Cap/Tran/Fanout
    • Buffer levels
    • List of Buffers/Inverters to use.
    • NDR rules for Clock routing.
  • Optimization requirements
    • Dont use cells 
    • Size only or use only cells
  • IO Ports file
    • Port locations
  • Floorplan file

Import Design:

As soon as we get the Input file we do the Import design. Where in which the following files are loaded to the PnR Tool
  • Netlist
  • Physical Libraries
  • Timing Libraries
  • Technology Files
  • Constraints
  • IO info File
  • Power Specification File
  • Optimization requirements
  • Clock spec
  • FP/DEF.
Sanity Checks:
  • To check the quality of the Input Netlist and the Timing (Zero wire load) .
  • Also checks the issues related to Library Files, Timing Constrains, IOs and Optimization requirements.
  • Some checks are:
    • Unconstrained Pins
    • Floating Pins
    • Un-driven Input ports
    • Unloaded output ports
    • Pin direction mismatches
    • Multiple drivers

1 comment:

  1. Can any one share i/p's and o/p's of pd for each stage?
