Wednesday 18 January 2017

Multi-VT Cells:

  • By implanting dopants in different concentration Different threshold voltages are achieved.
  • Need Multi-VT Library
  • Sub-threshold leakage varies exponentially with VT compared to the weaker dependency of delay over VT
  • If the optimization target is power performance, first use the HVT cells library and then try LVT cells 
  • If the optimization target is to meet timing then first use LVT cells and then HVT cells
  • If you swap the capture flop from SVT to LVT or HVT, there will be very minimal setup/hold impact in most flops, it is of zero impact for hold
  • If you swap the launch flop from SVT to LVT or HVT, Setup will be improve and hold will be impacted correspondingly
  • High Voltage Threshold (HVT )
    • Use in non-timing critical paths
    • Use in power critical paths
    • Has low leakage and low speed
  • Low Voltage Threshold (LVT )
    • Use in timing critical paths
    • Use in non-power critical paths
    • Has high leakage and high speed
  • Standard Voltage Threshold/ Regular Voltage Threshold (SVT/ RVT)
    • Medium delay and medium power requirement